Stochastic Source Model

Speaker: Yu-Sheng Sun  Adviser: Chien-Chih Chen, Po-Fei Chen


Stochastic source model bases on self-similar and fractional Brownian motion (fBm) process to describe the probabilistic slip distribution on the fault surface. Scientists obtain slip distribution of an earthquake by inversion theory and wave form recorded. However, we don’t know the next one, but slip distribution of probability is estimated by this model. The characteristics of slip and stress drop distributions accompanying earthquakes are explored from the perspective of fBm. The Hurst exponent reveals the roughness of random process of fBm. According to “k-square” model of earthquakes and following Fourier transform, slip distributions of earthquake are determined by randomly distributing phase spectrum of those with greater than corner wave number kc. The spatial variability is constrained by four parameters of the Lévy distribution. It could be applied the assumed tsunami earthquake source simulated in different rupture types to attain the probability of wave height.


Stochastic model of heterogeneity in earthquake slip spatial distributions

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A Stochastic Fault Model 1. Static Case

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Complex earthquake rupture and local tsunamis

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High-Frequency Spectral Falloff of Earthquakes, Fractal Dimension of Complex Rupture, b Value, and the Scaling of Strength on Faults

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Scaling Law of Seismic Spectrum

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Slip, Stress Drop and Ground Motion of Earthquakes: A View from the Perspective of Fractional Brownian Motion

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b Values and c0-* SeismicS ourceM odels: Implications for Tectonic Stress Variations Along Active Crustal Fault Zones and the Estimation of High-Frequency Strong Ground Motion

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